The World’s Best Business Schools According to International Recruiters |

The World’s Best Business Schools According to International Recruiters

By Pavel Kantorek

Updated Updated

Since the early 1990s, QS has carried out an annual survey of international recruiters who are actively hiring MBAs. The results from this survey are used to compile several flagship reports, chief among which is the QS Global 200 Business Schools Report – which identifies the world’s best business schools according to employers.

The QS Global 200 is intended to serve a counterpoint to complex and subjective MBA rankings methodologies, simplifying the process by considering only the opinion of employers. The rationale behind this it is that is these international recruiters whose opinions really matter – after all, they are the ones deciding who to hire. They are also best placed to assess the caliber of candidate produced by each business school, and how well they are suited to the rigors of the real world of business.

The world’s best business schools: by region and by specialization

The report splits the world’s 200 best business schools into four category ratings: elite global, emerging global, elite regional and emerging regional according to how they are rated by responding international recruiters. Each of these categories is split by region, making it possible to identify the strongest schools in each geographical area. Individual MBA rankings reports by regions are also available for those who are particularly focused on a single region.  

As well as sorting the world’s best business school according to how they are rated by international recruiters, the report features expert commentary and insight. You’ll also be able to see average GMAT scores, salary figures three months after graduation and the demographic make-up of each school’s MBA cohort.

Finally, community members can exclusively download the Global 200 specialization MBA rankings, focusing on the top 50 schools in 10 different MBA specializations.

The reports are out now and available to download for free.

This article was originally published in .

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